Invited keynote lecturers

Invited keynote lecturers

  • Antoine CHATEAUMINOIS - ESPCI, Paris, France
    Memory effects in soft matter friction: the role of sliding inhomogeneities


  • Laetitia PAOLI - University of Saint-Etienne, France
    Approximation methods for vibro-impact problems: mathematical issues


  • Antonio PAPANGELO - Politecnico di Bari, Italy
    "Exploiting viscoelasticity for improved adhesive performance of soft interfaces"


  • Alexander POPP - University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany
    Computational contact mechanics and machine learning - Dream team or nightmare ?


  • Michel RAOUS & Marius COCOU - CNRS-AMU-ECM, Marseille, France
    Adhesive interfaces: unified model and mathematical analysis
    "Dedicated to the memory of Professor Gianpietro DEL PIERO"


  • Roger A. SAUER - Gdansk University, Poland
    "On the modeling challenges in large-deformation rubber contact"


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